Conference Paper (international conference)
Mathematics improves astronomical image understanding
, ,
: Mathematics and Astronomy: A joint Long Journey, p. 215-221 , Eds: de Leon Manuel, de Diego D.M., Ros R.M.
: Mathematics and astronomy: A joint long journey, (Madrid, ES, 23.11.2009-17.11.2009)
: CEZ:AV0Z10030501
: CEZ:AV0Z10750506
: GA102/08/1593, GA ČR, 1QS300120506, GA AV ČR, 1M0572, GA MŠk, 2C06019, GA MšK
: image processing algorithms, image processing in astronomy, robotic vision, flow visualization, signal processing in optics
(eng): Mathematical methods enable to recover hidden information very often unobservable for human interpreters. The article introduces an overview of several mathematical image reconstruction methods developed recently by authors. The multichannel approach to reconstruction is based on blind deconvolution, classical superresolution, and exceptionally efficient Markovian random models.
: BD