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Conference Paper (Czech conference)

Belief Functions on Formulas in Lukasiewicz Logic

Kroupa Tomáš

: Proceedings of WUPES 2009, p. 156-166 , Eds: Kroupa Tomáš, Vejnarová Jiřina

: 8th Workshop on Uncertainty Processing, (Liblice, CZ, 19.09.2009-23.09.2009)

: CEZ:AV0Z10750506

: 1M0572, GA MŠk, GA201/09/1891, GA ČR

: belief function, Lukasiewicz logic

: http://library.utia.cas.cz/separaty/2009/MTR/kroupa-belief functions on formulas in lukasiewicz logic.pdf

(eng): Belief functions are generalized to formulas in Lukasiewicz logic. It is shown that they generalize probabilities on formulas (so-called states) and that they are completely monotone mappings with respect to the lattice operations.

(cze): Domněnkové funkce jsou zavedeny a studovány na formulích Lukasiewiczovy logiky.

: BA