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Conference Paper (international conference)

Free material opimization: towards the stress constraints

Kočvara Michal, Stingl M.

: Oberwolfach Reports, p. 620-621 , Eds: Kunish K., Leugering G., Sprekels J., Troltzsch F.

: Optimal control of Coupled Systems of PDE, (Oberwolfach, DE, 02.03.2008-08.03.2008)

: CEZ:AV0Z10750506

: free material optimization, stress constraints

(eng): The goal of the presentation is to find a formulation of stress constraint in the free material optimization (FMO) problem that would be computationally tractable and would lead to reasonable and expected results.

(cze): Cílem této prezentace je najít formulaci omezení na napětí v úloze volné optimalizace materiálu (FMO), která by byla výpočetně efetkivní.

: BA