Conference Paper (international conference)
Resilient Delay-Dependent Observer-based Stabilization of Continuous-time Symmetric Composite Systems
: 2008 American Control Conference, p. 4017-4022
: American Control Conference 2008, (Seattle, US, 11.06.2008-13.06.2008)
: CEZ:AV0Z10750506
: IAA200750802, GA AV ČR, LA 282, GA MŠk
: decentralized control, large scale systems, symmetric composite systems
(eng): The paper deals with resilient delay-dependent observer-based stabilization of continuous-time symmetric composite systems.
(cze): Příspěvek se zabývá pružnou stabilizací s pozorovatelem a závislým zpožděním pro spojité symerické složité systémy.
: BC