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Journal Article

A 2D Wigner Distribution-based multisize windows technique for image fusion

Redondo R., Fischer S., Šroubek Filip, Cristóbal G.

: Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation vol.19, 1 (2008), p. 12-19

: CEZ:AV0Z10750506

: GA102/04/0155, GA ČR, GA202/05/0242, GA ČR, 2004CZ0009, CSIC

: Wigner distribution, image fusion, multifocus

(eng): We present a scheme for image fusion based on a 2D implementation of the Wigner Distribution combined with a multisize window technique.

(cze): Je navržena metoda obrazové fúze multifokálních dat pomocí 2D Wigner distribuce.

: JD