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Prototype, methodology, f. module, software

Knihovna Proseccor Expert-Simulink

Bartosinski Roman

: ( 2008)

: CEZ:AV0Z10750506

: 1ET400750406, GA AV ČR

: Simulink blockset, Model based design, Processor Expert

(cze): Autorizovaný software Processor Expert-Simulink Library (PESLIB) je součástí ucelené metodologie integrace nástroje Processor Expert a Matlab/Simulink/RTW pro modelování, simulaci a generování kódu pro vestavné systémy vyvíjené z modelu systému.

(eng): This authorized software - Processor Expert-Simulink Library (PESLIB) - is a part of a methodology of Processor Expert and Matlab/Simulink/RTW tools integration for modeling, simulation and code generation focused on model based design of embedded systems.

: JC