Journal Article
Implementing floating-point DSP
: Embedded Magazine vol.2, 3 (2006), p. 12-14
: CEZ:AV0Z10750506
: 1ET400750406, GA AV ČR, 1M0567, GA MŠk, 027611, ECEC
: PicoBlaze, floating point, FPGA
(eng): In this article we demonstrate the use of PicoBlazeTM controllers for the assembly of high performance and power efficient floating point DSP pipelines. We decompose floating point algorithm into a sequence of hardware processes using a PicoBlazeTM network to manage the operation sequence.
(cze): V článku je popsáno použití PicoBlaze procesorů pro implementaci DSP algoritmů v aritmetice s plovoucí řádovou čárkou na FPGA.
: 09G, 09H
: JC