Electronic Document
Log Units, (N)LMS and GSFAP Hardware Macros and the Hardware Simulation Infrastructure. (program)
: ÚTIA AV ČR, (Praha 2006)
: CEZ:AV0Z10750506
: logarithmic units, LMS, affine projection, GSFAP
(eng): Hardware macros implementing logarithmic arithmetic and adaptive filtering (N)LMS and GSFAP algorithms. Hardware simulation infrasturcture for the Celoxica DK environment and examples are provided.
(cze): Hardwarová makra implementující logaritmickou aritmetiku a adaptivní algoritmy pro filtraci: (N)LMS a GSFAP. K dispozici je rovněž infrastruktura pro simulaci hardwaru v prostředí Celoxica DK.
: 09G
: JC