Conference Paper (international conference)
Solving polynomial static output feedback problems with PENBMI
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: Proceedings of the 44th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, and the European Control Conference 2005, p. 7581-7586
: IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and European Control Conference/44./, (Sevilla, IT, 12.12.2005-15.12.2005)
: CEZ:AV0Z10750506
: GA102/05/0011, GA ČR
: static output feedback, BMI optimization, polynomials
(eng): An algebraic formulation is proposed for the static output feedback (SOF) problem: the Hermit stability criterion is applied on the closed-loop characteristic polynomial, resulting in a non-convex bilinear matrix inequality (BMI) optimization problem for SIMO of MISO systems. As a result, the BMI problem is formulated directly in the controller parameters, without additional Lyapunov variables. The publicy available solver PENBMI 2.0 interfaced with YALMIP 3.0 is then applied to solve benchmark examples.
(cze): Navrhujeme algebraickou formulaci problému se statickou zpětnou vazbou. Aplikovánim Hermitova kriteria stability na charakteristický polynom dostaneme nekonvexní optimalizační problém bilinearní s bilinearní maticovou nerovností. Tento problém je formulován přímo pomocí řídících parametrů a neobsahuje pomocné Lyapunovovy proměnné. Pomocí programu PENBMI a YALMIP pak řešíme vybrané referenční příklady.
: 12A
: BA