Journal Article
Complete ccc Boolean algebras, the order sequential topology, and a problem of von Neumann
, ,
: Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society vol.37, 6 (2005), p. 885-898
: CEZ:AV0Z10750506
: CEZ:AV0Z10190503
: Boolean algebras, Maharam submeasure, weak distributivity, independent reals
(eng): John von Neumann posed the quetion whether every weakly distributive ccc Boolean algebra have to be a measure algebra. Dorothy Maharam modified the question to submeasurability of the algebra and showed the considtency of negative answer. The article showes the consistency of positive answer, which proves that the assertion is independent on ZFC. There are also several topological reformulations of weak distributivity, a characterization of adding independent reals and some examples.
(cze): Clanek obsahuje reseni modifikovane verze von Neumannova-Maharamove problemu z roku 1946.
: 12A
: BA