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  1. Derviz AlexisShadow asset prices and equilibria under restriction on portfolio composition and adjustment speed , Quantitative Methods in Finance 1997, p. 80-116 , Eds: Chiarella C., Platen E., Westpac, (Sydney 1997) , Quantitative Methods in Finance 1997, (Sydney, AU, 20.08.1997-03.09.1997) [1997]
  2. Derviz AlexisShadow prices and equilibria in production, export, import and investment of an open economy , Exchange Rate Movements and the Real Economy, p. 45-66 , Eds: Karadeloglou P., Papazoglou Ch., Bank of Greece, (Athens 1997) , Exchange Rate Movements and the Real Economy, (Athens, GR, 05.09.1997-08.09.1997) [1997]