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  1. Studený MilanDescription of Conditional Independence Structures by Means of Imsets: A Connection with Product Formula Validity , Uncertainty in Intelligent Systems, p. 179-194 , Eds: Bouchon-Meunier B., Valverde L., Yager R. R., Elsevier, (Amsterdam 1993) [1993]

  1. Matúš FrantišekExtreme convex set functions with many nonnegative differences , Discrete Mathematics vol.135, p. 177-191 [1995]
  2. Studený MilanStructural semigraphoids , International Journal of General Systems vol.22, 2 (1994), p. 207-217 [1994]
  3. Matúš FrantišekProbabilistic conditional independence structures and matroid theory: background , International Journal of General Systems vol.22, 2 (1994), p. 185-196 [1994]
  4. Studený MilanConvex Cones in Finite-Dimensional Real Vector Spaces , Kybernetika vol.29, 2 (1993), p. 180-200 [1993]

  1. Kříž OtakarExpert System-Driven Controllers , Mutual Impact of Computing Power and Control Theory, p. 369-379 , Eds: Kárný M., Warwick K., Plenum Press, (New York 1993) , IFAC Workshop on the Mutual Impact of Computing Power and Control Theory, (Prague, CZ, 01.09.1992-02.09.1992) [1993]
  2. Kříž OtakarThe Cat-and-Mouse Problem as a System of Boolean Equations , Discrete Event Systems: Modeling and Control, p. 181-187 , Eds: Balemi S., Kozák P., Smedinga R., Birkhäuser, (Basel 1993) Progress in Systems and Control Theory. vol.13 , WODES '92, (Prague, CZ, 26.08.1992-28.08.1992) [1993]
  3. Kříž OtakarOn Extensions of Marginals for Decision-Making , Symbolic and Quantitative Approaches to Reasoning and Uncertainty, p. 205-212 , Eds: Clarke M., Kruse R., Moral S., Springer, (Berlin 1993) Lecture Notes in Computer Science. vol.747 , European Conference ECSQARU '93, (Granada, ES, 08.11.1993-10.11.1993) [1993]