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J. Vydrová

  1. Zita Aleš, Greško Šimon, Novozámský Adam, Šorel Michal, Zitová Barbara, Švec J. G., Vydrová J.Automatic Estimation of Mucosal Waves Lateral Peak Sharpness – Modern Approach , IS&T International Symposium on Electronic Imaging 2023 Image Processing: Algorithms and Systems XXI, IS&T International Symposium on Electronic Imaging 2023, (San Francisco, US, 20230115) [2023] Download DOI: 10.2352/EI.2023.35.9.IPAS-300
  2. Svec J. G., Kumar S. P., Phadke K. V., Vydrová J., Novozámský Adam, Zita Aleš, Zitová BarbaraEvaluation of Mucosal Waves Through Sharpness of Lateral Peaks in Videokymographic Images , PAN-EUROPEAN VOICE CONFERENCE 2019 Voicing Science and Experience, p. 90-90 , Eds: Iwarsson Jenny, Thorsen Stine Løvind, PAN-EUROPEAN VOICE CONFERENCE 2019, (Copenhagen, DK, 20190827) [2019] Download
  3. Novozámský Adam, Zita Aleš, Zitová Barbara, Šorel Michal, Švec J. G., Vydrová J.Digital image processing for objective videokymography , World Congress on Medical Physics & Biomedical Engineering 2018, Book of Abstracts, p. 229-229 , Eds: Lhotska Lenka, Sukupova Lucie, World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering 2018, (Prague, CZ, 20180603) [2018] Download
  4. Subbaraj P. K., Švec J. G., Vydrová J., Zitová BarbaraQUANTIFYING KYMOGRAPIC WAVEFORM WITH BEZIER CURVES , The 12th International Conference on Advances in Quantitative Laryngology, Voice and Speech Research, p. 21-21, The 12th International Conference on Advances in Quantitative Laryngology, Voice and Speech Research, (Hongkong, HK, 20171017) [2017] Download
  5. Zitová Barbara, Novozámský Adam, Zita Aleš, Šorel Michal, Švec J.G., Vydrová J.VKGanalyzer: objective analysis of vocal fold vibrations , Proceedings of the AIMed 2017, ( 2017) , AIMed - Artificial Intelligence in Medicine 2017, (Laguna Niguel, CA, 20171211) [2017] Download
  6. Novozámský Adam, Sedlář Jiří, Zita Aleš, Šroubek Filip, Flusser Jan, Švec J. G., Vydrová J., Zitová BarbaraImage Analysis of Videokymographic Data , Proceedings of the 2015 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, ICIP 2015, p. 78-82, IEEE International Conference on Image Processing 2015, ICIP 2015, (Québec City, CA, 27.09.2015-30.09.2015) [2015] Download DOI: 10.1109/ICIP.2015.7350763