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U. Stefanelli

  1. Brazda K., Kružík Martin, Rupp F., Stefanelli U.Curvature-dependent Eulerian interfaces in elastic solids , Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A-Mathematical Physical and Engineering Sciences vol.381, [2023] Download Download DOI: 10.1098/rsta.2022.0366
  2. Friedrich M., Kružík Martin, Stefanelli U.Equilibrium of immersed hyperelastic solids , Discrete and Continuous Dynamical systems - Series S vol.14, 11 (2021), p. 4141-4157 [2021] Download Download DOI: 10.3934/dcdss.2021003
  3. Davoli E., Kružík Martin, Piovano P., Stefanelli U.Magnetoelastic thin films at large strains , Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics vol.33, 1 (2021), p. 327-341 [2021] Download Download DOI: 10.1007/s00161-020-00904-1
  4. Grandi D., Kružík Martin, Mainini E., Stefanelli U.A Phase-Field Approach to Eulerian Interfacial Energies , Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis vol.234, 1 (2019), p. 351-373 [2019] Download Download DOI: 10.1007/s00205-019-01391-8
  5. Kružík Martin, Stefanelli U., Zanini Ch.Quasistatic evolution of magnetoelastic plates via dimension reduction , Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems vol.35, 12 (2015), p. 5999-6013 [2015] Download DOI: 10.3934/dcds.2015.35.5999
  6. Kružík Martin, Stefanelli U., Zeman J.Existence Results for Incompressible Magnetoelasticity , Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems vol.35, 6 (2015), p. 2615-2623 [2015] Download DOI: 10.3934/dcds.2015.35.2615