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Cyril Höschl

  1. Höschl Cyril, Flusser JanRobust histogram-based image retrieval , Pattern Recognition Letters vol.69, 1 (2016), p. 72-81 [2016] Download DOI: 10.1016/j.patrec.2015.10.012

  1. Höschl Cyril, Flusser JanDecomposition of 3D Binary Objects into Rectangular Blocks , Digital Image Computing: Techniques and Applications (DICTA) 2016, DICTA 2016 : Digital Image Computing: Techniques and Applications, (Gold Coast, AU, 20161130) [2016] Download DOI: 10.1109/DICTA.2016.7797028
  2. Flusser Jan, Suk Tomáš, Farokhi Sajad, Höschl CyrilRecognition of Images Degraded by Gaussian Blur , Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns - CAIP 2015, p. 88-99 , Eds: Azzopardi George, Petkov Nicolai, Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns, (Valletta, MT, 02.09.2015-04.09.2015) [2015] Download DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-23192-1_8
  3. Höschl Cyril, Flusser JanNoise Resistant Image Retrieval , Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR 2014), p. 2972-2977, 22nd International Conference on Pattern Recognition, (Stockholm, SE, 22.08.2014-28.08.2014) [2014] Download DOI: 10.1109/ICPR.2014.513
  4. Höschl CyrilVisualization of Team Profiles with the Use of Indirect Sociomaps , Proceedings of a Special Focus Symposium on Sociodiagnostics and Sociomapping, p. 9-12 , Eds: Lasker George E., Bahbouh Radvan, International Converence on System Research, Informatics and Cybernetics /24./, (Baden-Baden, DE, 30.07.2012-03.08.2012) [2012] Download
  5. Suk Tomáš, Höschl Cyril, Flusser JanRectangular Decomposition of Binary Images , Proceedings of the International Conference on Advanced Concepts for Intelligent Vision Systems Acivs'12, p. 213-224 , Eds: Blanc-Talon J., Popescu D., Philips W., Scheunders P., Advanced Concepts for Intelligent Vision Systems (Acivs 2012), (Brno, CZ, 04.09.2012-07.09.2012) [2012] Download DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-33140-4_19