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L. Beránek
Knížek J., Tichý Petr, Beránek L., Šindelář Jan, Vojtěšek B., Bouchal P., Nenutil R., Dedík O.
Note on Generating Orthogonal Polynomials and Their Application in Solving Complicated Polynomial Regression Tasks
International Journal of Mathematics and Computation vol.7, 10 (2010), p. 48-60 [2010]
Knížek J., Šindelář Jan, Půlpán Z., Vojtešek B., Nenutil R., Brožková K., Dražan V., Hubálek M., Beránek L.
Test of the Hypothesis That One Group of Dependences is Consistent with Another Group of Dependences
Bulletin of Statistics & Economics, p. 2-18 [2008]
Knížek J., Šindelář Jan, Beránek L., Vojtešek B., Nenutil R., Brožková K., Dražan V., Hubálek M., Kubáček L.
Power Function for Tests of Null Hypotheses on Mutual Linear Regression Functions’ Relations
Bulletin of Statistics & Economics, p. 26-33 [2008]