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M.J. Chantler

  1. Filip Jiří, Haindl Michal, Chantler M.J.Gaze-Motivated Compression of Illumination and View Dependent Textures , 20th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, p. 862-865, 20th International Conference on Pattern Recognition ICPR 2010, (Istanbul, TR, 23.08.2010-26.08.2010) [2010] Download
  2. Filip J., Chantler M.J., Haindl MichalOn Optimal Resampling of View and Illumination Dependent Textures , Fifth Symposium on Applied Perception in Graphics and Visualization, p. 131-134 , Eds: Sarah H. Creem-Regehr and Karol Myszkowski , Fifth Symposium on Applied Perception in Graphics and Visualization, (Los Angeles, US, 09.08.2008-10.08.2008) [2008] Download