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Václav Peterka

  1. Warwick K., Peterka VáclavOptimal Observer Solution for Predictive and LQG Optimal Control , International Conference on Control'91, p. 768-772, IEE, (London 1991) Conference Publication vol.332 , Control '91, (Edinburgh, GB, 25.03.1991-28.03.1991) [1991]
  2. Peterka VáclavAdaptation of LQG Control Design to Engineering Needs , Advanced Methods in Adaptive Control for Industrial Applications, p. 1-20 , Eds: Warwick K., Kárný M., Halousková A., Springer, (Berlin 1991) , Czechoslovak-UK Seminar on Advanced Methods in Adaptive Control for Industrial Applications, (Praha, CS, 14.05.1990-16.05.1990) [1991]
  3. Peterka VáclavPredictive and LQG Optimal Control: Equivalences, Differences and Improvements , Control of Uncertain Systems, p. 221-244 , Eds: Hinrichsen D., Martenson B., Birkhäuser, (Boston 1990) , International Workshop Control of Uncertain Systems, (University of Bremen, DB, 11.06.1989-14.06.1989) [1990]
  4. Peterka VáclavSelf-Tuning Control with Alternative Sets of Uncertain Process Models , Adaptive Systems in Control and Signal Processing. Preprints of an IFAC Symposioum, p. 409-414, Institute of Measurement and Control, (London 1989) , Adaptive Systems in Control and Signal Processing, (Glasgow, GB, 19.04.1989-21.04.1989) [1989]
  5. Peterka VáclavKriteria a strategie optimálního řízení , Sborník referátů přednesených na setkání kateder technické kybernetiky a automatizace, p. 17-24, ČSVTS FE VŠSE, (Plzeň 1988) , Setkání kateder automatizace a technické kybernetiky, (Poříčí, CS, 06.09.1988-08.09.1988) [1988]