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Jurjen Duintjer Tebbens

  1. Duintjer Tebbens Jurjen, Lanzendörfer M., Matonoha Ctirad, Papáček ŠtěpánPreconditioning for the integration of a spatiotemporal pharmacodynamic system , Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics , Eds: Böhm Ch., Mang K., Markert B., Reese S., Schmidtchen M., Waimann J., Kaliske M., Annual Meeting of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics /92./, (Aachen, DE, 20220815) [2023] Download DOI: 10.1002/pamm.202200268
  2. Papáček Štěpán, Matonoha Ctirad, Duintjer Tebbens JurjenBohl-Marek decomposition applied to a class of biochemical networks with conservation properties , Proceedings of the Seminar on Numerical Analysis & Winter School /SNA' 23/, p. 56-59 , Eds: Starý Jiří, Sysala Stanislav, Sysalová Dagmar, SEMINAR ON NUMERICAL ANALYSIS - SNA'23 In memoriam of professor Radim Blaheta, (Ostrava, CZ, 20230123) [2023] Download
  3. Papáček Štěpán, Matonoha Ctirad, Duintjer Tebbens JurjenMathematics and Optimal control theory meet Pharmacy: Towards application of special techniques in modeling, control and optimization of biochemical networks , Proceedings of the SNA'21 Seminar on Numerical Analysis Modelling and Simulation of Challenging Engineering Problems, p. 60-63 , Eds: Starý Jiří, Sysala Stanislav, SNA'21 Seminar on Numerical Analysis Modelling and Simulation of Challenging Engineering Problems (SNA'21 2021), (Ostrava, CZ, 20210125) [2021] Download