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Petr Kozák

  1. Kozák PetrControl of Elementary Discrete Event Systems: Synthesis of Controller with Non-Zero Decision Time , Proceedings of the 1st IFAC Symposium on Design Methods of Control Systems, p. 457-462 , Eds: Franke D., Kraus F., Pergamon Press, (Oxford 1992) [1992]

  1. Kozák Petr, Wonham W. M.Design of transaction management protocols , IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control vol.41, 9 (1996), p. 1330-1334 [1996]
  2. Kozák Petr, Wonham W. M.Fully decentralized solutions of supervisory control problems , IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control vol.40, 12 (1995), p. 2094-2097 [1995]
  3. Kozák PetrDiscrete Events and General Systems Theory , International Journal of Systems Science vol.23, 9 (1992), p. 1403-1422 [1992]
  4. Kozák PetrOn Feedback Controllers , International Journal of Systems Science vol.23, 9 (1992), p. 1423-1431 [1992]

  1. Kozák PetrControl of guarded automata counting event occurrences , Proceedings of the 34th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, p. 907-912, IEEE, (Piscataway 1995) , IEEE Conference on Decision and Control /34./, (New Orleans, US, 13.12.1995-15.12.1995) [1995]
  2. Kozák PetrSupervisory control of parallelly interconnected timed discrete event systems , Systems, Man and Cybernetics. Proceedings, p. 1012-1017, IEEE Press, (San Antonio 1994) , IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, (San Antonio, US, 02.10.1994-05.10.1994) [1994]
  3. Kozák PetrDecentralized controller design for a class of hybrid systems , Integrated Systems Engineering. Proceedings, p. 123-128 , Eds: Johannsen G., Pergamon, (Oxford 1994) , IFAC Conference on Integrated Systems Engineering, (Baden-Baden, DE, 27.09.1994-29.09.1994) [1994]
  4. Kozák PetrDealing with complexity in the discrete event system control methods , Computer-Intensive Methods in Control and Signal Processing, p. 229-236 , Eds: Kulhavá L., Kárný M., Warwick K., ÚTIA AV ČR, (Praha 1994) , IEEE Workshop CMP '94, (Praha, CZ, 07.09.1994-09.09.1994) [1994]
  5. Kozák PetrControl of real-time discrete event systems with hybrid controllability of events , 32nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, p. 223-228, IEEE, (New York 1993) , IEEE Conference on Decision and Control /32./, (San Antonio, US, 15.12.1993-17.12.1993) [1993]
  6. Kozák PetrUnifying Framework for Discrete Event System Control Theory , Discrete Event System: Modeling and Control, p. 95-110 , Eds: Balemi S., Kozák P., Smedinga R., Birkhäuser, (Basel 1993) Progress in Systems and Control Theory. vol.13 , WODES '92, (Prague, CZ, 26.08.1992-28.08.1992) [1993]
  7. Kozák PetrThe Cat-and-Mouse Problem with Least Delays , Discrete Event Systems: Modeling and Control, p. 199-206 , Eds: Balemi S., Kozák P., Smedinga R., Birkhäuser, (Basel 1993) Progress in Systems and Control Theory. vol.13 , WODES '92, (Prague, CZ, 26.08.1992-28.08.1992) [1993]
  8. Balemi S., Kozák Petr, Smedinga R.Discrete Event Systems: Modeling and Control, Birkhäuser, (Basel 1993) Progress in Systems and Control Theory. vol.13 , WODES '92, (Prague, CZ, 26.08.1992-28.08.1992) [1993]
  9. Kozák PetrImproving Characteristics of Discrete Event Controllers with Hybrid Controllability of Events , Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems, p. 632-635, IEEE, (Detroit 1993) , Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems /36./, (Detroit, US, 16.08.1993-18.08.1993) [1993]
  10. Kozák PetrSupervisory Control of Discrete Event Processes: A Real-Time Extension, ÚTIA AV ČR, (Praha 1993) Research Report 1777 [1993]
  11. Kozák Petr, Wonham W. M.Fully Decentralized Solutions of Supervisory Control Problems, University of Toronto, (Toronto 1993) Research Report 9310 [1993]
  12. Kozák Petr, Wonham W. M.Synthesis of Database Management Protocols, University of Toronto, (Toronto 1993) Research Report 9311 [1993]
  13. Kozák PetrSupervisory Control of Discrete Event Processes: A Real-Time Extension, University of Toronto, (Toronto 1993) Research Report 9301 [1993]
  14. Kozák PetrThe Need for Differential-Like Calculus for the Discrete Event Systems, ÚTIA ČSAV, (Praha 1992) Research Report 1750 [1992]
  15. Kozák PetrCausality and Non-Determinism , 11th European Meeting on Cybernetics and Systems Research '92, p. 137-143 , Eds: Trappl R., World Scientific, (Singapore 1992) , European Meeting on Cybernetics and Systems Research /11./, (Vienna, AT, 21.04.1992-24.04.1992) [1992]
  16. Kozák Petr, Balemi S., Pik Jiří, Smedinga R. (Eds: Kozák P., Balemi S., Pik J., Smedinga R. )Joint Workshop on Discrete Event Systems. WODES '92 , , ÚTIA ČSAV, (Prague 1992) , WODES '92, (Praha, CS, 26.08.1992-28.08.1992) [1992]
  17. Kozák PetrThe Cat-and-Mouse Problem with Least Delays , Joint Workshop on Discrete Event Systems. WODES '92, p. 129-132 , Eds: Kozák P., Balemi S., Pik J., Smedinga R., ÚTIA ČSAV, (Prague 1992) , WODES '92, (Praha, CS, 26.08.1992-28.08.1992) [1992]
  18. Kozák PetrA Unifying Framework for Discrete Event System Control Theory , Joint Workshop on Discrete Event Systems. WODES '92, p. 47-50 , Eds: Kozák P., Balemi S., Pik J., Smedinga R., ÚTIA ČSAV, (Prague 1992) , WODES '92, (Praha, CS, 26.08.1992-28.08.1992) [1992]
  19. Kozák PetrKnowledge of Time-Dependent System Behaviour: Representation and Inference Methods , Support Systems for Decision and Negotiation Processes, p. 291-296 , Eds: Kulikowski R., Nahorski Z., Owsinski J. W., Straszak A., Polish Academy of Sciences, (Warsaw 1992) , Support Systems for Decision and Negotiation Processes, (Warsaw, PL, 24.06.1992-26.06.1992) [1992]
  20. Kozák PetrOn Controllable Behaviours of Time Systems, ÚTIA ČSAV, (Praha 1992) Research Report 1739 [1992]
  21. Kozák PetrLogical Control and Control of Discrete Event Systems , Riadenie diskrétnych procesov, p. 28-30, DT ZSVTS, (Bratislava 1991) , Riadenie diskrétnych procesov, (Bratislava, CS, 08.10.1991-10.10.1991) [1991]
  22. Kozák PetrControl of Elementary Discrete Event Systems: Synthesis of Controller with Non-Zero Decision Time , Design Methods of Control Systems, p. 708-713 , Eds: Franke D., Kraus F., Pergamon Press, (Oxford 1991) , IFAC Symposium on Design Methods of Control Systems /1./, (Zurich, CH, 04.09.1991-06.09.1991) [1991]
  23. Kozák PetrMethods of Discrete Event Systems Control in AI Real-Time Skills , Dependability of Artificial Intelligence, p. 271-277 , Eds: Schildt G.H., Retti J., NorthHolland, (Amsterdam 1991) , Dependability of Artificial Intelligence Systems, (Vienna, AT, 27.05.1991-29.05.1991) [1991]
  24. Kozák PetrDiscrete Event Systems in Examples, ÚTIA ČSAV, (Praha 1991) Research Report 1711 [1991]
  25. Kozák PetrDiscrete Events and General Systems Theory, ÚTIA ČSAV, (Praha 1990) Research Report 1695 [1990]
  26. Kozák PetrLogické řízení a řízení systému diskrétních událostí, ÚTIA ČSAV, (Praha 1990) Research Report 1660 [1990]
  27. Kozák PetrObecný model pro řízení pružného výrobního systému , Pružná automatizace '90, p. 80-81, Dom techniky ČSVTS, (Bratislava 1990) , Pružná automatizace '90, (Bratislava, CS, 20.02.1990-22.02.1990) [1990]
  28. Kozák PetrŘízení systémů diskrétních událostí , Počítačové riadenie diskrétnych procesov, p. 11-13, Dům techniky ČSVTS, (Bratislava 1989) , Počítačové riadenie diskrétnych procesov, (Tatranská Lomnica, CS, 17.10.1989-19.10.1989) [1989]
  29. Šindelář Jaroslav, Kozák Petr, Pik JiříSystémy diskretních událostí a některé souvislosti, ÚTIA ČSAV, (Praha 1989) Research Report 1623 [1989]