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J. Antoch

  1. Antoch J., Hájek Petr, Jiroušek RadimTomáš Havránek , Computational Statistics and Data Analysis vol.19, 2 (1995), p. 111-113 [1995] DOI: 10.1016/0167-9473(95)90000-4

  1. Antoch J., Hušková MarieTests and estimators for epidemic alternatives , Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Mathematical Statistics. PROBASTAT '94, p. 311-329 , Eds: Pázman A., Witkovský V., Mathematical Institute, (Bratislava 1996) Tatra Mountains. Mathematical Publications. vol.7 , PROBASTAT '94, (Smolenice, SK, 30.05.1994-03.06.1994) [1996]
  2. Antoch J., Víšek Jan ÁmosRobust Estimation in Linear Model and its Computational Aspects , International Summer School on Computational Aspectsof Model Choice, p. 39-104 , Eds: Antoch J., Springer, (Heidelberg 1992) Contributions to Statistics. , Summer School Computational Aspects of Model Choice, (Praha, CZ, 01.07.1991-14.07.1991) [1992]