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J. Fernandez
Bustince H., Fernandez J., Mesiar Radko, Pradera A., Beliakov G.
Restricted dissimilarity functions and penalty functions
Proceedings of the 7th Conference of the European Society for Fuzzy Logic and Technology, p. 79-85,
EUSFLAT - LFA 2011. Conference of the European Society for Fuzzy Logic and Technology and les Recontres Francophones sur la Logique Floue et ses Applications,
(Aix-Les-Bains, FR, 18.07.2011-22.07.2011) [2011]
Bustince H., Fernandez J., Mesiar Radko, Beliakov G., Calvo T.
Penalty functions over a Cartesian product of lattices
Proceedings of AGOP 2011, p. 59-64
, Eds: De Baets Bernard, Mesiar Radko, Troiano Luigi,
Aggregation Operators 2011,
(Benevento, IT, 11.07.2011-15.07.2011) [2011]
Bustince H., Fernandez J., Mesiar Radko, Kalická J.
Discrete interval-valued Choquet integrals
Proceedings of AGOP 2011, p. 23-27
, Eds: De Baets Bernard, Mesiar Radko, Troiano Luigi,
Aggregation Operators 2011,
(Benevento, IT, 11.07.2011-15.07.2011) [2011]