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M. Hatka

  1. Haindl Michal, Hatka M.BTF Roller , Texture 2005. Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Texture Analysis, p. 89-94 , Eds: Chantler M., Drbohlav O., IEEE, (Los Alamitos 2005) , International Workshop on Texture Analysis and Synthesis /4./, (Beijing, CN, 21.10.2005) [2005]
  2. Haindl Michal, Hatka M.A Roller - Fast Sampling-Based Texture Synthesis Algorithm, ÚTIA AV ČR, (Praha 2005) Internal Publication 2005/4 [2005]
  3. Haindl Michal, Hatka M.A roller - fast sampling-based texture synthesis algorithm , International Conference in Central Europe on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision. WSCG 2005. Proceedings, p. 80-83, University of West Bohemia, (Plzen 2005) , WSCG 2005 /13./, (Plzen, CZ, 31.01.2005-04.02.2005) [2005]