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Pavel Boček

  1. Kopský Vojtěch, Boček PavelGroup ingormatics and tensor calculus , International Tables for Crystallography, p. 372-374 , Eds: Authier A. [2003]
  2. Grim Jiří, Boček Pavel, Pudil PavelInteraktivní prezentace výsledků sčítání lidu pomocí pravděpodobnostních modelů se zaručenou ochranou anonymity dat , Manažerské rozhledy FM 2001. Sborník příspěvků, p. 13-18 , Eds: Pudil P., VŠE, (Jindřichův Hradec 2002) [2002]

  1. Šindelář Jan, Boček PavelKolmogorov complexity and probability measures , Kybernetika vol.38, 6 (2002), p. 729-745 [2002]
  2. Janžura Martin, Boček PavelRelative asymptotic efficiency of the maximum pseudolikelihood estimate for Gauss-Markov random fields , Statistical Inference for Stochastic Processes vol.5, 2 (2002), p. 179-197 [2002]
  3. Janžura Martin, Boček PavelA method for knowledge integration , Kybernetika vol.34, 1 (1998), p. 41-55 [1998]
  4. Boček Pavel, Lachout PetrLinear programming approach to LMS-estimation , Computational Statistics and Data Analysis vol.19, 2 (1995), p. 129-134 [1995]
  5. Boček Pavel, Grim Jiří, Kolář PavelKupónová privatizace zdárně pokračuje , Akcionář vol.3, 15 (1992), p. 8 [1992]
  6. Boček Pavel, Grim Jiří, Kolář PavelKam s kupóny v druhém kole? , Hospodářské noviny, 135 (1992), p. 8 [1992]

  1. Boček PavelRobustness of Spacing-based Power Divergence Statistics , Abstracts of Contributions to 7th International Workshop on Data - Algorithms - Decision Making, p. 23-23 , Eds: Janžura M., Ivánek J., 7th International Workshop on Data - Algorithms - Decision Making, (Mariánská, CZ, 27.11.2011-29.11.2011) [2011] Download
  2. Boček Pavel, Vajda Igor, van der Meulen EdwardAsymptotic properties and numerical comparison of spacings-based power divergence statistics , Abstracts of Contributions to 6th International Workshop on Data – Algorithms – Decision Making, p. 26-26 , Eds: Ivánek Jiří, Janžura Martin, International Workshop Jindřichův Hradec DAR, (Jindřichův Hradec, CZ, 2.12.2010) [2010] Download
  3. Boček Pavel, Vajda Igor, van der Meulen E.Asymptotic properties and numerical comparison of spacings-based power divergence statistics , Prague Stochastics 2010, Book of Abstracts, p. 65-65 , Eds: Hlubinka Daniel, Fajfrová Lucie, Prague Stochastics 2010, (Praha, CZ, 30,8,2010-3,9,2010) [2010]
  4. Boček PavelVýpočet charakteristik základních typů bran FTA, ÚTIA AV ČR, (Praha 2007) Research Report 2209 [2007]
  5. Boček Pavel, Vajda IgorTestování hypotéz o násobných multinomiálních modelech, ÚTIA AV ČR, (Praha 2007) Research Report 2007/15 [2007]
  6. Boček Pavel, Salaba Petr, Volf Petr, Vrbenský KarelModelování doby do poruchy a FTA, ÚTIA AV ČR, (Praha 2006) Research Report 2174 [2006]
  7. Boček Pavel, Marek Tomáš, Vajda IgorDiscrete Efficient Methods 1: Testing Compound Hypotheses, ÚTIA AV ČR, (Praha 2005) Internal Publication 2005/15 [2005]
  8. Grim Jiří, Hora J., Boček Pavel, Somol Petr, Pudil P.Information analysis of census data by using statistical models , Proceedings of the International Conference on Statistics - Investment in the Future, p. 1-7 , Eds: Krovák J., Statistics - Investment in the Future, (Prague, CZ, 06.09.2004-07.09.2004) [2004]
  9. Grim Jiří, Boček Pavel, Pudil PavelSafe dissemination of census results by means of interactive probabilistic models , Proceedings of the ETK-NTTS 2001 Conference, p. 849-856 , Eds: Nanopoulos P., Wilkinson D., European Communities, (Rome 2001) , Exchange of Technology and Know-How and New Techniques and Technologies for Statistics, (Hersonissos, GR, 18.06.2001-22.06.2001) [2001]
  10. Janžura Martin, Boček PavelStochastické metody prognózování parametrů v datových sítích, ÚTIA AV ČR, (Praha 2000) Research Report 1981 [2000]
  11. Janžura Martin, Boček PavelAsymptotic efficiency of the maximum pseudolikelihood estimate for Gauss-Markov random fields , Statistical Methods for Image Processing, p. 13-15, University of Uppsala, (Uppsala 1999) , Statistical Methods for Image Processing, (Uppsala, SE, 06.08.1999-09.08.1999) [1999]
  12. Grim Jiří, Boček PavelStatistical model of Prague households for interactive presentation of census data , SoftStat '95. Advances in Statistical Software 5, p. 271-278 , Eds: Faulbaum F., Bandilla W., Lucius & Lucius, (Stuttgart 1996) , Conference on the Scientific Use of Statistical Software /8./, (Heidelberg, DE, 26.03.1995-30.03.1995) [1996]
  13. Šindelář Jan, Boček PavelAre there safe Monte-Carlo methods? , Computer-Intensive Methods in Control and Signal Processing, p. 39-46 , Eds: Kulhavá L., Kárný M., Warwick K., ÚTIA AV ČR, (Praha 1994) , IEEE Workshop CMP '94, (Praha, CZ, 07.09.1994-09.09.1994) [1994]
  14. Studený Milan, Boček PavelCI-models arising among 4 random variables , Uncertainty Processing in Expert Systems. Proceedings, p. 268-282, VŠE, (Praha 1994) , WUPES 1994. Workshop on Uncertainty Processing in Expert Systems /3./, (Třešť, CZ, 11.09.1994-15.09.1994) [1994]
  15. Boček Pavel, Víšek Jan ÁmosSignificance of differences of estimates , Asymptotic Statistics. Proceedings, p. 195-202 , Eds: Mandl P., Hušková M., PhysicaVerlag, (Heidelberg 1994) , Asymptotic Statistics /5./, (Prague, CZ, 04.09.1993-09.09.1993) [1994]
  16. Šindelář Jan, Boček PavelKolmogorov Complexity and the Law of the Interated Logarithm, ÚTIA AV ČR, (Praha 1994) Research Report 1796 [1994]
  17. Šindelář Jan, Boček PavelOn Kolmogorov complexity of infinite sequences, ÚTIA AV ČR, (Praha 1993) Research Report 1761 [1993]
  18. Boček Pavel, Jílovec Stanislav, Skřivánek JiříTram Traffic Control under Extraordinary Conditions , Second European Congress on Systems Science, p. 1371-1376, Afcet, (Paris 1993) , European Congress on Systems Science /2./, (Prague, CZ, 04.10.1993-08.10.1993) [1993]