Conference Paper (international conference)
Comparison of Shades and Hiddenness of Conflict
: Symbolic and Quantitative Approaches to Reasoning with Uncertainty. 16th European Conference, ECSQARU 2021 Proceedings, p. 314-327 , Eds: Vejnarová J., Wilson N.
: ECSQARU 2021: European Conference on Symbolic and Quantitative Approaches with Uncertainty /16./, (Prague, CZ, 20210921)
: GA19-04579S, GA ČR
: Belief function, Conflict, Hidden conflict, N-consistency, Shades of conflict, Auto-conflict
: 10.1007/978-3-030-86772-0_23
(eng): Conflict, dissonance, inconsistency, entropy. There are many notions related to one phenomenon. When working with uncertainty, there can be different sources of information, and often they are in some level of mutual disagreement. When working with belief functions, one of the approaches how to measure conflict is closely connected with a belief mass assigned by the non-normalized conjunctive rule to the empty set. Recently, we have observed and presented cases where a conflict of belief functions is hidden (there is a zero mass assigned to the empty set by the non-normalized conjunctive rule). Above that, we distinguish several degrees of such a hiddeness. In parallel, Pichon et al. introduced a new family of conflict measures of different strengths, the so-called shades of conflict. In this paper, we compare both approaches not only from the theoretical point of view but also by examples.
: IN
: 10201