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Book Review

BOOK REVIEW : Reflective equilibrium and the principles of logical analysis: Understanding the laws of logic

Grimau Berta

: The Philosophical Quarterly

: Logical Analysis, Platitudes, Semantics

: 10.1093/pq/pqz063


(eng): The notion of logical form is at play in numerous philosophical debates. Despite often being taken as uncontroversial, many questions about it are far from settled. What is its ontological status? How can we gain knowledge of it? What is its role? What makes a logical form adequate for a given natural language expression? Does each natural language expression have a unique adequate logical form? In Reflective Equilibrium and the Principles of Logical Analysis, Peregrin and Svoboda address all of these questions while endorsing and developing the linguistic conception of logical form, according to which logical form is implicit in our linguistic practices and the only...

: BA

: 10102