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Conference Paper (international conference)

Solar Atmosphere Data Analysis

Šimberová Stanislava, Suk Tomáš

: Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR 2018), p. 2797-2802

: International Conference on Pattern Recognition /24th/, (Beijing, CN, 20180820)

: solar atmosphere, plasma parameters, remote satellite observations

: 10.1109/ICPR.2018.8546062

(eng): We present new approach to study of behavior of the solar atmosphere. In actual fact it is processing of plasma parameters obtained from remote satellite observations. In this study we focused on physical data characterizing the so-called solar wind. Ever-present dynamic magnetic field affects other physical variables such as speed, temperature, density, etc. in the solar atmosphere. The turning points of the magnetic induction magnitude and direction time curves are computed. They serve as estimates of the beginning and end shockwave in solar wind and also as boundaries of segments for statistical analysis of magnetic field variables by Kendall rank correlation.

: BN

: 10308