Conference Paper (international conference)
On the chaotic behavior of the hybrid inverted pendulum and its relation to the lateral dynamics of the walking robots
: IFAC-PapersOnLine. Volume 51, Issue 33. : 5th IFAC Conference on Analysis and Control of Chaotic Systems CHAOS 2018, p. 15-21
: The 5th IFAC Conference on Analysis and Control of Chaotic Systems, (Eindhoven, NL, 20181030)
: GA17-04682S, GA ČR
: Hybrid systems, walking robots, hybrid inverted pendulum, chaos
: 10.1016/j.ifacol.2018.12.078
(eng): Dynamics of the so-called hybrid inverted pendulum is studied here. Motivation is the lateral stability of the planar walking strategies applied to more realistic settings. The influence of the lateral harmonic forcing of the hybrid inverted pendulum is analyzed. It is shown numerically that reasonable sized forcing imposes the bounded oscillatory behavior. The main contribution is the detection of the possible chaotic behavior created in the above way. The extensive simulations present quite complex bounded behaviors and for some of them their largest Lyapunov exponent is shown to be positive. This supports the idea that the chaotic behavior is present there. The positive Lyapunov exponent is determined as the smallest coupling coe cient enforcing the synchronization of the simple master-slave con guration of the hybrid inverted pendulum and its copy.
: BC
: 20201