Journal Article
Influence diagrams for speed profile optimization
: International Journal of Approximate Reasoning vol.88, 1 (2017), p. 567-586
: GA16-12010S, GA ČR
: Influence diagrams, Optimal control, Vehicle control
(eng): Influence diagrams have been applied to diverse decision problems. In this paper, we describe their application to the speed profile optimization problem – a problem traditionally solved by the methods of optimal control theory. Influence diagrams appeared to be well-suited to these types of problems. It is mainly due to their ability to perform computations efficiently if the utility function is additively decomposed along the vehicle path, which is the case for utility functions based on, e.g., the total driving time or the total fuel consumption. Also, driving constraints can be efficiently included in the influence diagram. If the vehicle speed deviates from the optimal speed profile during the real drive, a new optimal speed profile can be quickly computed in the compiled influence diagram. The theory of influence diagrams has not yet been sufficiently developed for continuous variables and nonlinear utility functions.
: JD
: 10201