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Journal Article

Constraint interface preconditioning for topology optimization problems

Kočvara Michal, Loghin D., Turner J.

: SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing vol.38, 1 (2016)

: IAA100750802, GA AV ČR, 313781, European Commission - EC

: topology optimization, domain decomposition, Newton-Krylov

: 10.1137/140980387


(eng): The discretization of constrained nonlinear optimization problems arising in the field of topology optimization yields algebraic systems which are challenging to solve in practice, due to pathological ill-conditioning, strong nonlinearity and size. In this work we propose a methodology which brings together existing fast algorithms, namely, interior-point for the optimization problem and a novel substructuring domain decomposition method for the ensuing large-scale linear systems. The main contribution is the choice of interface preconditioner which allows for the acceleration of the domain decomposition method, leading to performance independent of problem size.

: BA