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Bayesian estimation of a source term of radiation release with approximately known nuclide ratios

Tichý Ondřej, Šmídl Václav, Hofman Radek

: Geophysical Research Abstracts

: EGU General Assembly 2016, (Vienna, AT, 18.04.2016-22.04.2016)

: 7F14287, GA MŠk

: inverse modeling, Variational Bayes method


(eng): We are concerned with estimation of a source term in case of an accidental release from a known location, e.g. a power plant. Usually, the source term of an accidental release of radiation comprises of a mixture of nuclide. The gamma dose rate measurements do not provide a direct information on the source term composition. However, physical properties of respective nuclide (deposition properties, decay half-life) can be used when uncertain information on nuclide ratios is available, e.g. from known reactor inventory.

: BB