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Monography Chapter

Conflict Solution According to "Aggressiveness" of Agents in Floor-Field-Based Model

Hrabák Pavel, Bukáček M.

: Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics, p. 507-516

: GA13-13502S, GA ČR

: Floor, Field model, Conflict solution, Aggressiveness

: 10.1007/978-3-319-32152-3_47


(eng): This contribution introduces an element of "aggressiveness" into the Floor-Field based model with adaptive time-span. The aggressiveness is understood as an ability to win conflicts and push through the crowd. From experiments it is observed that this ability is not directly correlated with the desired velocity in the free flow regime. The influence of the aggressiveness is studied by means of the dependence of the travel time on the occupancy of a room. A simulation study shows that the conflict solution based on the aggressiveness parameter can mimic the observations from the experiment.

: BB