Prototype, methodology, f. module, software
EdkDSP Accelerator IP Evaluation in Vivado 2014.4 Artix7 AC701 board
: ( 2015)
: 7H14007, GA MŠk
: FPGA, floating-point accelerator, ethernet, Internet of Things
(eng): This application note describes precompiled Vivado 2014.4 Artix7 designs with the floating point EdkDSP accelerators and examples. The evaluation MicroBlaze SoC design with the AXI-lite bus is based on the Xilinx BIST (build in self-test) provided by Xilinx for the Artix7 AC701 board and the Vivado 2014.4 design flow. The network HW controller is supporting 1Gbit/100Mbit/10Mbit standards with HW DMA and a SW stack based on the lwIP TCP/IP stack library v1.4.1 with Xilinx adapter v2.2. The implementation follows guidelines described in the Xilinx application note XAPP1026. The MicroBlaze processor is controlling 5 EdkDSP floating point accelerators. Each accelerator is organised as 8xSIMD reconfigurable computing data path, controlled by a PicoBlaze6 controller. This evaluation package is provided by UTIA for the Xilinx AC701 board with the 28nm Artix7 xc7a200t-2 device. This application note explains how to install and use the demonstrator on Windows7, (32 or 64 bit) and the Xilinx AC701 development board.
: JC