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Journal Article

On the observer design problem for continuous-time switched linear systems with unknown switchings

Gómez–Gutiérrez D., Čelikovský Sergej, Ramírez–Trevino A., Castillo-Toledo B.

: Journal of the Franklin Institute-Engineering and Applied Mathematics vol.352, 4 (2015), p. 1595-1612

: GA13-20433S, GA ČR

: observer design, switched systems

: 10.1016/j.jfranklin.2015.01.036


(eng): The observer design problém for Switched Linear Systems(SLS) subject to an unknown switching signal is addressed in this work. Based on known observability results for SLS, an appropriate SLS observer is proposed and its convergence is analysed showing that the corresponding estimates converge in finite-time to the SLS state. More precisely, the observers of the continuous state evolution and the observers of the switching signal are investigated and their convergence studied separately. Thema in tool to analyse the observability is the well-known geometric concep tof(A, B)-invariant subspaces.The developed SLS observers are then applied to construct synchronized chaotic generators based on the SLS with chaotic behavior. Finally, an example of an on-trivial chaotic SLS and its detailed analysis are presented to illustrate the achievedresults.

: BC