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An inexpensive system for quantitative analysis of mosaic form of Turner/Klinefelter syndrome

Schier Jan, Kovář Bohumil, Kuneš Michal, Honec P., Číp P., Zemčík P., Dubská M., Kočárek E., Tesner P.

: 18th International Microscopy Congress Proceedings , Eds: Hozák P.

: 18th International Microscopy Congress, (Prague, CZ, 07.09.2014-12.09.2014)

: TA01010931, GA TA ČR

: Fluorescence microscopy, Image Processing, Cytology, ImageJ


(eng): A prototype of a simple low-cost system for automated evaluation of mosaic form of chromosome aneuploidies is presented. The primary goal of this system is to improve the accuracy of evaluation of simple chromosome aberrations in mosaic form, which are related to the Turner (mos 45,X/46,XX) and Klinefelter syndrome (mos 47,XXY/46,XY). The prototype system is composed of hardware part, which provides automated image acquisition, and software part for image processing, image database access, statistical evaluation, vizualization, etc. To large extent, the system is composed of the COTS components: the Euromex OX.3075 fluorescence microscope with Edmund Optics motorized stage has been used for image acquisition.

: JC