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Conference Paper (international conference)

Decentralized stabilization of large-scale civil structures

Bakule Lubomír, Papík Martin, Rehák Branislav

: Proceedings of the 19th IFAC World Congress, 2014, p. 10427-10432

: The 19th World Congress of the IFAC /2014/, (Cape Town, ZA, 24.08.2014-29.08.2014)

: GA13-02149S, GA ČR, LG12014, GA MŠk, LG12008, GA MŠk

: Decentralized control, efficient strategies for large scale complex systems, monitoring and control of spatially distributed systems


(eng): The objective of this investigation is to present a decentralized design of decentralized controllers for a 20-story steel structure benchmark. The benchmark problem was proposed within the structural control community to design and compare control schemes for seismically excited buildings. The control design problem is focused on an in-plane analysis of one-half of the structure.The height of the building naturally suggests the disjoint decomposition of a finite element overall dynamic model into two subsystems, each covering 10 stories. Interstory elements appearing between the 10th and the 11th fool serve as the coupling elements of the overall interconnected system. The idea of decentralization of control has been numerically tested and compared to the benchmark sample centralized LQG design. The performance of the decentralized control design has been assessed by means of given benchmark evaluation criteria, eigenvalue analysis and time responses for both pre-earthquake and post-earthquake structures.

: BC