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Journal Article

Comments on "Weed Recognition using Image Blur Information" by Peng, Z. & Jun, C., Biosystems Engineering 110 (2), p. 198-205”

Flusser Jan, Suk Tomáš, Zitová Barbara

: Biosystems Engineering vol.2014, 126 (2014), p. 104-108

: GAP103/11/1552, GA ČR

: Weed recognition, Blur, Moment Invariants, Blur Invariants

: 10.1016/j.biosystemseng.2014.08.001


(eng): This research note is in reaction to a recent paper on weed recognition using image analysis (Peng & Jun, 2011). Here, the correct use of moment invariants in a weed recognition system is presented.

: JD