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Conference Paper (international conference)

Sections of triangular norms

Klement E.P., Mesiar Radko, Pap E.

: Fuzzy Logics and Related Structures. Proceedings, p. 67-71 , Eds: Gottwald S., Hájek P., Klement E. P.

: FLLL Linz, (Linz 2005)

: Linz Seminar on Fuzzy Set Theory /27./, (Linz, AT, 07.02.2006-11.02.2006)

: CEZ:AV0Z10750506

: GA402/04/1026, GA ČR

: triangular norm, diagonal, vertical and horizontal section, level function

(eng): In this paper we briefly discuss diagonal, horizontal and vertical sections triangular norms as well as sections parallel to the oposite diagonal. Finally we mention two of several properties of level functions.

(cze): Stručne rozoberáme diagonálne, horizontálne a vertikálne rezy t-noriem ako aj rezy rovnobežné s vedľajšou diagonálou. Záverom spomíname dve vlastnosti hladinových funkcií.

: 12A

: BA