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Conference Paper (international conference)

Data-based adviser to operators of complex processes

Nedoma Petr, Ettler P.

: Proceedings of the 2002 IEEE International Conference on Control Applications, p. 830-831 , Eds: Grimble M. J.

: IEEE, (Glasgow 2002)

: IEEE International Conference on Control Applications 2002, (Glasgow, GB, 18.09.2002-20.09.2002)

: CEZ:AV0Z1075907

: 1999-12058, IST

: probalistic mixtures, control of complex processes

(eng): A probabilistic advisory tool for operators of complex processes is presented. The idea is to use vast data measured on a system, process them by methods of probabilistic mixtures and use the results for generating advices for operator. The work was done in international cooperation under an grant of EU IST-1999-12058. The unifying theory and software tools have been developed. The relevant application is a rolling mils process.

: 09H

: BC