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Journal Article

Lenghts of semigraphoid inferences

Matúš František

: Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence vol.35, 4 (2002), p. 287-294

: CEZ:AV0Z1075907

: IAA1075801, GA AV ČR, GA201/01/1482, GA ČR, VS96008, GA MŠk

: semigraphoids, grahoids, inference length

(eng): A subset of a semigraphoid over n elements is constructed in such a way that starting from the subset it is necessary to apply the semigraphoid axioms recursively 2^{n-2}-1 times to arrive at the semigraphoid. This is first known example of exponentially long semigraphoid inference. A comparison is made between local and global inferences. Graphoids and their duals are discussed as well.

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