Conference Paper (international conference)
Nonlinear techniques for the real-time control of water storing plant
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: Memoria Electro 2001, p. 159-164
: Instituto Technologico, (Chihuaha 2001)
: Congreso internacional academico de ingeneria electronica /23./, (Chihuaha, MX, 22.10.2001-26.10.2001)
: AV0Z1075907
: GA102/99/1368, GA ČR, 31844-A, CONACYT
: exact linearization, nonlinear systems, uncertain systems
(eng): The problem of the real time control of the water storing plant is considered here. The main idea is to use the decoupling concept to control the outputs independently. Outputs are levels of water in two cascade connected tanks, while inputs control the voltage on electromechanical valves enabling outflow of the water from tanks. The level of water is controled despite unknown influx of the water to the first tank and with measurements of the levels in tanks only. Simulations results shows good performance.
: 09I
: BC