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Conference Paper (international conference)

Model parameters and model performance

Smid J., Smid Jr. J., Obitko M., Volf Petr

: Proceedings of the UM2001 Workshop on Empirical Evaluation of Adaptive Systems, p. 25-32 , Eds: Weibelzahl S., Chin D., Weber G.

: Pedagogical University, (Freiburg 2001)

: UM2001. International Conference on User Modeling /8./, (Sonthofen, DE, 13.07.2001-17.07.2001)

: AV0Z1075907

: KSK1019101, GA AV ČR

: e-learning, tutoring system, user modeling

(eng): We present an automated tutoring system called the Information Cycling and Diagnosing (ICD) system. It provides and repeats the information and the tests on the basis of estimated knowledge of the user. Scoring the level of knowledge and repeated remediation based on these scores make the system adaptive. Simultaneously, it evaluates the profile of the user. Thus, the users are classified and the tutoring process is adapted to them.

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