Conference Paper (international conference)
Monotonicity and comparison results for nonnegative dynamic systems
: Operations Research. Proceedings 2000, p. 103-109 , Eds: Fleischmann B., Lasch R., Derigs U.
: Springer, (Berlin 2001)
: Operations Research 2000, (Dresden, DE, 09.09.2000-12.09.2000)
: AV0Z1075907
: GA402/98/0742, GA ČR, GA402/99/1136, GA ČR
: dynamic programming, nonnegative matrices, Markov decision chains
(eng): Monotonicity and comparison results are known to be most useful for the qualitative analysis of Markov chain applications. In this paper, the extension of such results will be studied for the more general class of dynamic systems governed by nonnegative matrices. Both the discrete-time and continuous-time case will be investigated.
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