Conference Paper (international conference)
A note on multistage stochastic programming with individual probability constraints
: Operations Research. Proceedings 2000, p. 91-96 , Eds: Fleischmann B., Lasch R., Derigs U.
: Springer, (Berlin 2001)
: Operations Research 2000, (Dresden, DE, 09.09.2000-12.09.2000)
: AV0Z1075907
: GA402/98/0742, GA ČR, GA402/99/1136, GA ČR
: multistage stochastic programming, individual probability constraints, stability and empirical estimates
(eng): The features and capabilities of dynamic Bayesian networks (DBNs) suggest their application to production control. The presented paper circumstantiates theoretically and empirically that DBNs are suitable for production control. Furthermore the paper comes up with a concept for production control by means of DBNs.
: 12B
: BB