Conference Paper (international conference)
Estimation and smoothing of instantaneous frequency of noisy narrow band signals
: Signal Processing. Proceedings, p. 1803-1806 , Eds: Gabbouj M., Kuosmanen P.
: TTKK, (Tampere 2000)
: European Signal Processing Conference. EUSIPCO 2000, (Tampere, FI, 04.09.2000-08.09.2000)
: AV0Z1075907
: GA102/97/0466, GA ČR
(eng): Estimation of instantaneous frequency of a narrow-band noise corrupted signal from discrete time phase-only data is considered. By aid of Kalman filter theory, filter and smoothing estimates are derived and their equivalence to estimates obtained by the MFT algorithm is established, MFT being a practical algorithm for multiple frequency tracking and smoothing.
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