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Journal Article

On Mathematical Approach to Circle Fitting Problem in the Analysis of RICH Detector Data

Volf Petr, Linka A., Picek J.

: Czechoslovak Journal of Physics vol.50, p. 365-370

: AV0Z1075907

: GA201/97/0354, GA ČR, VS97084, MŠMT

(eng): We describe an approach to the problem of detection the rings of photons hit points from the data generated by RICH detector. The main objective is to propose a procedure for applied data analysis, therefore we concentrate to a practically tractable and also sufficiently effective method of search. The experience with the results is briefly commented. In order to work with the data similar to those generated at CERN, we developed also a procedure generating the Cherenkov rings.

: 12B, 20B, 09K

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