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Monography Chapter

The importance of knowing fuzzy zero

Mareš Milan

: Begabtenförderung im MINT-Bereich. (Mathematik, Informatik, Naturwissenschaften, Technik), p. 79-92 , Eds: Hitzler P., Kalmbach G.

: Aegis, (Ulm 1999)


: AV0Z1075907

: GA402/99/0032, GA ČR, IAA1075905, GA AV

(eng): The calculation with vaguely known quantities was theoretically managed by the theory of fuzzy sets. It is known that algebraical operations, defined by means of its methods, have only some of the classical properties which are valid for the algebra of deterministic (crisp) numbers. It is possible to investigate the roots of this fact and to suggest some concepts which could bridge that gap.

: 12A

: BA