Journal Article
Robust synchronization of a class of chaotic networks
, ,
: Journal of the Franklin Institute-Engineering and Applied Mathematics vol.350, 10 (2013), p. 2936-2948
: GAP103/12/1794, GA ČR
: generalized Lorenz system, robust synchronization, dynamical complex network
: 10.1016/j.jfranklin.2013.03.019
(eng): This paper studies synchronization of a dynamical complex network consisting of nodes being generalized Lorenz chaotic systems and connections created with transmitted synchronizing signals. The focus is on the robustness of the network synchronization with respect to its topology. The robustness is analyzed theoretically for the case of two nodes with two-sided (bidirectional) connections, and numerically for various cases with large numbers of nodes. It is shown that, unless a certai nminimal coherent topology is present in the network, synchronization is always preserved. While for a minimal network where,the resulting synchrony reduces to semi-global if redundant connections are added.
: BC