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Conference Paper (international conference)

MV-Algebraic Moebius Transform on the Vietoris Space

Kroupa Tomáš

: TACL 2013. Sixth International Conference on Topology, Algebra and Categories in Logic, p. 129-132 , Eds: Galatos N., Kurz A., Tsinakis C.

: TACL 2013, (Nashville, US, 28.07.2013-01.08.2013)

: GA13-20012S, GA ČR

: MV-algebra, Moebius transform, Vietoris topology

: moebius transform on the vietoris space.pdf


(eng): A framework for studying Moebius transform on MV-algebras is introduced. The goal is to represent non-additive functions-games-on more general structures than Boolean algebras. The main tool is the Vietoris topology of the associated space of representable filters of the MV-algebras.

: BA