Conference Paper (international conference)
Elastic Conformal Transformation of Digital Images
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: Proceedings of the FIG Working Week 2012
: FIG Working Week 2012, (Rome, IT, 06.05. 2012-10.05.2012)
: FR-TI4/436, GA MPO
: Cartography, Geoinformation, Engineering survey, Cadastre, Image Processing
(eng): A novel transformation model for registration of geometrically distorted digital images is proposed in the contribution. The registration method is based on a set of ground control points (GCPs) whose coordinates have been captured with limited accuracy. The spatial inaccuracy of the GCPs influences precision of transformation between input and reference images. Theoretical principle of the proposed method stems from theory of Gaussian processes (collocation, kriging) and is worked out with the aid of Bayesian approach. The overall solution embodies advantages of non-parametric and parametric estimation - it is both data-driven and tunable by a simple set of parameters. The proposed method of image registration was implemented as a web application by means of up-to-date software standards of Internet technology. The application is freely available at for any Internet user.
: DE